Welcome to COVIDify!

Real & Relevant. A clutter-free, handy tool to equip you with Covid-19 facts & figures.

About COVIDify

COVIDify is a COVID-19 Dashboard.

Our main aim is to educate the common man who isn't "tech-savvy" per se, with regards to the evolving Covid situation in a fun, easy and interactive way. A user will be able to choose from following visuals - graphs, map and tables. You might be wondering about the reason behind keeping multiple methods of ingesting information?
Well, it is because every human prefers to intake information differently and we respect and understand that.

Total Cases

Precautions One Needs To Take

  1. Wear masks either surgical or cloth based.
  2. Maintain social distancing.
  3. Hand hygiene i.e. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer.
  4. Avoid visiting crowded places.
  5. Remain aware of what you touch.
  6. Refrain from touching your eyes, nose or mouth while out in public to reduce the chances of transfering bacteria from your hands
  7. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  8. Stay home if you feel unwell.
  9. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.

Tech Behind This

Scripting languages used development of the website :

About The Creators

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Anmol Arora

Designer & Front-end Web Developer

Hi! I am Anmol (CSE@Bennett). My favourite tv series are Suits and Silicon Valley. Finance fascinates me. I also like to interact with people from diverse areas / backgrounds. This gives me the opportunity to see the world from their perspective. Interestingly, this acts for me as a trigger for creative thoughts and solutions and also fires my imagination.

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Rohit Singh Rathore

Back-end Developer

Hi! I am Rohit (CSE@Bennett). My favourite tv series are Hannah Montana and The Powerpuff Girls. Anmol fascinates me. I don't like to interact with people. I am an introvert that keeps kaam se kaam and that helps me remain calm. I like to code and sleep. I'm a problem solver, things that engage my brain and force me into thinking are really intriguing to me.
